is the web portal of the largest Slovenian daily newspaper Delo (
see Wikipedia
LiveNetLife Contextual Crowd Recommendation
widget is deployed to every article page at the most prominent position (top of the right column). Readers check the widget frequently to assess the popularity of the current news and the availability and popularity of other interesting news articles in the same general topic or story. This makes the widget a good place to show native advertisements (above the fold, tested high CTR) through the advertisement platform
Click an article on to see Contextual Crowd Recommendations in action on the top right.
is the web portal of one of the most important Slovenian daily newspapers called Dnevnik (
see Wikipedia
LiveNetLife Contextual Crowd Recommendation
widget is deployed to every news page. Visitors check the widget frequently to assess the popularity of the current news article and the availability and popularity of other interesting news in the same general topic or story. This makes the widget a good place to show CPC advertisements through the ad network
Click an article on Dnevnik to see Contextual Crowd Recommendations in action in the middle of the right column.
is the web portal of one of the biggest Slovenian tabloid newspapers called Slovenske Novice (
see Wikipedia
). It has the largest paid circulation among all daily newspapers in Slovenia.
LiveNetLife Contextual Crowd Recommendation
widget is deployed to every article page at the most prominent position (top of the right column). Additionally Top Crowd Recommendations Widget (showing most visited pages) is deployed to the start page and the topic pages. Visitors check the widget frequently to assess the popularity of the current article and the availability and popularity of other interesting articles in the same general topic or story. This makes the LiveNetLife widget a good place to show native advertisements (above the fold, tested high CTR) through the advertisement platform
Click an article on Slovenske Novice to see Contextual Crowd Recommendations in action on the top right.
is the leading Slovenian e-health forum.
LiveNetLife Contextual Crowd Recommendation
widget is deployed to every forum page. Additionally Top Crowd Recommendations Widget (showing most visited pages) is deployed to the start page and the topic pages. Forum visitors check the widget frequently to assess the popularity of the current thread and the availability and popularity of other interesting forum threads in the same general topic or health problem.
LiveNetLife Contextual Chat in the Crowd
is deployed to every forum page as well. This enables forum visitors not only to become aware of each other as they visit pages about similar health problems, but also to engage in direct many-to-many communication with the fellow forum visitors.
Click to see Contextual Crowd Recommendations on the right and Contextual Chat in the Crowd bottom right
is the world's biggest
global award winning
academic online video repository with 14.251 video lectures delivered by 10.763 presenters since 2006 (
see Wikipedia
LiveNetLife Contextual Crowd Recommendation
widget is deployed to every Videolectures.NET page. Video viewers check the widget frequently to assess the popularity of the current video and the availability and popularity of other interesting videos threads in the same general topic or scientific domain.
LiveNetLife Contextual Chat in the Crowd
is deployed to every Videolectures.NET page as well. This enables the visitors not only to become aware of each other as they view similar videos, but also to engage in direct many to many communication both with the fellow scholars and with the Videolectures.NET support staff.
Click to see Contextual Crowd Recommendations on the left and Contextual Chat in the Crowd bottom right.
Studio 12
is an independent non-governmental Internet and TV medium (Community media), the “Third Media Sector”.
LiveNetLife Contextual Crowd Recommendation
widget is deployed to every Studio12 page. Video viewers check the widget frequently to assess the popularity of the current video and the availability and popularity of other interesting videos threads in the same general topic.
LiveNetLife Contextual Chat in the Crowd
is deployed to every Studio12 page as well. This enables the visitors not only to become aware of each other as they view similar videos, but also to engage in direct many to many communication both with the fellow viewers and with the Studio12 support staff.
Click to see Contextual Crowd Recommendations on the right and Contextual Chat in the Crowd bottom right.
IST World
is a portal which offers information about experts, research groups, centers and companies involved in creating the technologies for the growing information society. Focus of the service is the expertise and experience of relevant players in European countries.
LiveNetLife Contextual Crowd Recommendation
widget is deployed to every IST World page. Visitors check the widget frequently to assess the popularity of the current research entity and the popularity of other research entitity in the same general research topic.
LiveNetLife Contextual Chat in the Crowd
is deployed to every IST World page as well. This enables the visitors not only to become aware of each other as they view related research entities, but also to engage in direct many to many communication both with the fellow researchers and with the IST World support staff.
Click to see Contextual Crowd Recommendations on the right and Contextual Chat in the Crowd bottom right.
LiveNetLife service for online markets was presented in the ESTC 2010 Innovation Seedcamp, Vienna, Austria "The
of the aws ESTC Innovation Seed Camp 2010: 1st place: Mobilizy, AT; 2nd place: playence, AT; 3rd place:
, SL" by
STI International
BoundBreaker is a project that is giving young teams the opportunity to visit Silicon Valley to present the projects to the potential strategic partners and investors. LiveNetLife company was
as one of the most promising regional tech startups by the board of regional investors and entrepreneurs.
LiveNetLife Contextual Chat in the Crowd was tested with the
Accenture Corporate Search Prototype SABLE
: "Regarding LiveNetLife as a Collaboration feature 50% of users reported having used the feature. Of those,
71% believe it’s useful
for connecting them with other users looking for similar information, while
55% agree that the feature might help to get relevant information
through other users." by
Rayid Ghanni,